Thursday, November 19, 2009


i have racked up some mileage in the past 6 days.

saturday, i woke up early and ran 6 miles with my sweet angel puppy before having to be at work at 9 am. It felt really good to run in the morning- perfect temperature for a long-ish run. My body felt great, how
ever, i did have some knee pain on the last mile. I think that running on sidewalks and pavement is still a little wearing on the knees. I hope that in the next few weekends i can get luna out to shelby farms to run along some trails.

sunday, i got another great run in- 8 miles. woo hoo. this time, i ran out at my dad's house so that i could look really cool again running with two dogs. unfortunately, winston,
has alot of fur, and, since sunday was a little warmer than usual, he only made it three miles. SO, after 3 miles, i dropped off luna and winston, ran another 3, then picked luna up again for the las 2. I did not have knee pain for the 8 mile fun fest, fyi. perhaps running with two dogs makes my form better than running with just one and being lopsided. who knows.

following my run, i washed my car. this action is a workout in and of itself, but only because i am so anal about my car. it takes me about an hour to wash because i have to scrub every bit of dirt and bug guts off.

Monday, I opted for some solid weight lifting. I stairmastered for 10 minutes to warm my muscles up (very important that you so some warm up, whether cardio or LIGHT weights). Then i did squats, 72 leg presses, 60 leg curls, incline presses, flys, seated rows, back flys (not sure if thats the right name, oh well), bicep curls, tricep dips with 25 pound weight, lateral raises, and crunches on the ab ball.

Tuesday was
spinning (still, such a great work out. i really suggest you get into it) and then ellen and i did 124 crunches. I like it when ellen comes with me to spinning. makes it more fun having a friend to share the fun.

Thursday, i ran 3.5 miles and focused on my triceps (5 different exercises). I also did two types of bicep curls, shoulder presses and lateral raises, then 40 lunges.

Right now, my night looks like this:
i love my luna. she is the sweetest girl. and her head in my lap makes it hard to type. she also has been dreaming, and her nose has been twitching.

hopefully this weekend will hold some good runs. I am hoping to hit 9 or 10 miles on sunday and to make it through a 2 hour spin class on saturday. the quest for fitness never ends folks- to be in ultra marathon shape for next fall, i need to train hard. it takes endurance to make it 30 or 50 miles, and you have to build that up. onward.

ultra love.

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